prayer meeting topics

START BY PRAYING. The moment a church or christian organisation stops praying, they start dying, there are many great church buildings but dead churches today. A real prayer meeting is not a Bible Study. “Today, let’s keep in mind our church’s missionaries in Togo, Mark and Joanna Jones, missionaries in Africa, whose three children are all sick right now. Prayer for your spouse. When st anding up, on such occasions, one's mind makes a review, and enquires, 'What subject has already take n up my thought If you have a weekly/regular prayer meeting and it has dwindled down to the “faithful few,” it’s time to take stock. O Lord, give me supernatural breakthroughs, in all my present proposals. 11. Our sermon ideas on Prayer will help you preach a powerful message. 38. Angels of God, invade them and lead them into darkness, in the name of Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus, let divine utterance be granted to our pastors, leading to the supernatural growth of this Church all through the year. The following verses will encourage your daily walk with Christ and help you experience the power of prayer! 28. 31. God bless you. Pray for your neighbors. The Psalms offer plenty material effective for Bible study lessons and prayer meetings. 16. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. When we try to combine them, the meeting becomes a Bible study and prayer is minimized. Ideas for Prayer Meetings. Meets 7:30pm most Wednesday evenings. Every believer that is giving to prayers, will always have the grace and favour to overcome temptations. abortion). SERMONS ON PRAYER. Pray for advancement in your career. When finished, the leader introduces another topic or request. 17. Powerful Prayer Points For Spiritual Growth. Category Archives: Prayer Meeting Sermonettes. You devil, take your legs away from the top of my finances, in the mighty name of Jesus. Introduce a prayer topic or request, one at a time then allow the group a few minutes to pray for the that. Make sure to check out our collection of Prayers for Meetings See more ideas about prayer meeting, seventh day adventist church, evening prayer. When our prayer life is active, the will to sin is subdued in our lives. Let’s pray for healing, trust in God, and the doctors treating them.”. 37. Prayer Guide 1. Pray for your pastors, ask God to pour out his Spirit on the Sunday meeting, bless the singing and preaching of the word. O Lord, hammer my matter into the mind of those who will assist me so that they do not suffer from demonic loss of memory. That God would bring many new people and save people. Make sure to give people breaks to do things like use the restroom, get a drink or stretch. When the Tempest Rages. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. 2 Prayer-Meetings ² As They Were, And ... select difficult expository topics, o r abstruse themes, but restrict myself to simple homely talk about the elements of our faith. Pray for how to embrace grace in every day life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Prayer meetings are a great way for people to get together and engage in prayer as a group. You may be able to assemble part of the list before the prayer time starts. 13. You have entered an incorrect email address! Father, in the name of Jesus and by access to divine secrets, prosper the works of the hands of every member of this Church this year, thereby launching us into a world of exploits. Prayer Meetings We meet every Wednesday at 4:00pm for a special time of prayer for our church and our community. SOME IDEAS FOR LEADING THE PRAYER MEETING: A. Uplifting & inspirational prayers, verses, poems & more. O Lord, let Your angels hedge them about and block their paths, in the name of Jesus. 40. 22. This is a list of names or events that you are praying for. 15. Pray that God will help you to continually walk in love The first prayer meeting was on September 23, 1857. 34. Today we shall be looking at carefully selected prayer points for prayer meetings. Hosting a Zoom prayer meeting or holding an online video prayer meeting is an effective way to pray together. You must be a praying man or woman. My money, being caged by the enemy, be released, in Jesus’ name. 21. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Ghost, continue to send us the prophetic Word that will restore the total redemptive dignity of every worshipper all through this year. You know what is in my heart, you know what I want, but, if that is not your will, then please, put me on the right path, Prayer For Protection Through the Precious Blood of Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver every member of this Church from all oppressions of the devil and establish their liberty right now. To conduct a prayer meeting, try starting with a few minutes of silence to allow people to connect to God individually. Every jinx upon my _ _ _, break, in the name of Jesus. 24. Other prayer meetings focus on a subject or issue. 29. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of fresh and life-transforming Word in all our services, that will gather and retain multitudes in this Church all through the year. Prepare your messages about prayer and devotion to God with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series. Pray for patience. Please feel free to use this outline for a very meaningful group prayer assembly in … And yet, most of … Other ideas: Prayer meeting themes: *You could also use prayer themes. There are many churches today that are more like disco halls and circuses, where people go and get entertained, but no fire on the altar, little wonder sin is common place in those environments. Love is the... 2. That God would bless the Children’s ministry and the time of worship. Finally, some prayer meetings focus on the mission of God, the advance of God’s kingdom. Present the need, suggest the desired outcome, focus faith (a Bible instructors as well as ministers' wives may occasionally be called on to give such a study, or even a series for a month. Click this link to join Now, . Use a Prayer List. 18. I pray for you today, i command every form of spiritual laziness in your life to be gone Now!!! O Lord, let them be compassed with gall and travail, in the name of Jesus. Dec 15, 2020 - Wednesday evening Prayer Meetings at Leamington Spa Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church, George Street, Leamington Spa. 27. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a continuous increase of the Word from our altar all through this year, resulting in the continuous growth of this Church. I bind and put to flight, all the spirits of fear, anxiety and discouragement in the name of Jesus. 46. For longer prayer meetings, you can add variety by breaking up times of prayer with worship, Scripture reading, and an assortment of prayer methods. 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough, Prayers Against Failure At The Edge Of Breakthrough, Daily Bible Reading Today 27th October 2018, 40 mfm prayer points for financial breakthrough. 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for diverse word encounters in the lives of the members . For unity of the Spirit and that your church would abound in love and thankfulness. See the next section for some ideas. Or, sing a couple of worship songs to set the tone for the meeting. dreams, visions and restlessness, that would advance my cause. This prayer is used in churches and in private prayer worldwide. As you gather your church community to pray together, follow these 5 tips to help your prayer meetings thrive: 1. Pray for help in managing your finances. He tacked up notices in NYC calling for a weekly prayer meeting on Wednesdays from noon till one at a rented space on Fulton Street. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom, enthrone every member of this Church in our various businesses, vocations and careers this year. 1. Praying with others has power. Any exhortations should be brief; at the most a five-minute exhortation / faith builder on prayer or on the topic. Posted by The Typist. Without prayer, churches die. 12. While there is no one way to conduct a prayer meeting I have laid out a simple structure that utilizes key components of effective prayer meetings. Include a time of silent, personal confession. 35. Intercessory prayer would be a time where you could focus on prayer for issues other than personal requests, such as the government, the education system, the economy, and ethical concerns (i.e. Pray Jeremiah 29:11 over your life. In the storm when Jesus was walking on the water, the disciples were rowing the boat and they forgot that Jesus was with them. When Christians gather together, two things are very important, one is the word and the other is prayers. Taking prayer requests for 25 minutes and praying for 5 minutes is nice, but not really a prayer meeting. So whether the “prayer meeting” is on the calendar each week or takes place every day across small groups, staff meetings, elder meetings, and other corporate gatherings, there ought to be many recurring opportunities for church members to pray with one another. Fire of the Holy Spirit, purge my life from any evil mark put upon me, in the name of Jesus. A Series for Prayer Meetings; Listen [In the Ministerial Association offices we are frequently asked to give to the field through THE MINISTRY suggestions for prayer meeting topics. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the voice of Your Spirit, guide every member into realms of noiseless breakthroughs this year, thereby affirming our New Dawn Era. Articles: Seven Ways to Make Prayer a Vital Part of Worship; Who Needs Prayer Meeting? These prayer points for prayer meetings is a wake up call for every church or Christian organisation, as we rise up to take charge and dominate the devil. *NOTE* the prayer meeting is not being held during the Cornoavirus Stay-At-Home order. By John Thiel. Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every form of disabilities ravaging the life of any member, resulting in their perfect soundness. This article shows how to have a meaningful prayer meeting for everyone — many topics, different ways of praying, individual prayer and small group prayer, all of these are interspersed with singing or music. Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us Your Word in season in every service all through this year, resulting in all-round rest for every worshipper. I pray for you today, i command every form of spiritual laziness in your life to be gone Now!!! The effective prayer meeting is the one that produces results and brings solution to the issue at stake. Here are seven prayer meeting ideas that will help you plan your prayer meetings. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Ghost, let Your Word have a free course and be glorified among us in signs and wonders all through this year. 10 Personal Prayer Topics and Prayer Points for Effective Spiritual Growth 1. 48. Thou hand of the Lord, turn against them day by day, in the name. O Lord, let divine wisdom fall upon all who are supporting me, in these matters. Father, in the name of Jesus, unveil the right Word to Your people in every service all through this year, resulting in turnaround testimonies for every worshipper. 30. 23. Whenever we as believers pray together with one heart, we must command the presence and attention of Heaven. Father, in the name of Jesus, cause every member to enjoy divine favour resulting in supernatural breakthroughs this month. A time for personal requests would address the needs of the members of the meeting. Make no mistakes about it, if want the power of God to be seen in your church, then you must take prayer meetings seriously. 32. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. O Lord, let their flesh and skin become old, and let their bones break, in the name of Jesus. Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. 3: Father, thank you for confirming the prophetic word in the life of every member in Jesus name, 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mighty hand that is behind the continuous growth of this church till date, 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for feeding your flock with wisdom and knowledge through the Apostle over this Church since inception, 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for instant answers to prayers during our prayer hour, 7: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the mass salvation of souls in services in Jesus name, 8: Father, thank you for your manifested presence in our midst, both as a church and as individuals since the year began, 9: Father, thank you for establishing all our new converts and new members of the year 2019, resulting in continuous growth of all our churches worldwide-, 10: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for peace and serenity experienced in this Church since inception. A “prayer meeting starter” is a short Bible study on the subject of prayer, designed to get the pray-ers focused on the task at hand and to give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to prepare us for prayer. Below, Ill cover some creative prayer meeting ideas and topics you may want to cover. Stimulate prayer through short, appropriate devotional messages (live … 39. 25. You rod of the wrath of the Lord, come upon every enemy of my _ _ _,in the name of Jesus. Oct 8. 36. 45. Believers need to know the content and practice of result oriented prayer meeting. This will help “clear the air” for the participants ( Psalm 66:18 ). Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us Your life-quickening Word that will swallow up death in victory in the life of every member of this Church all through the year. Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us the rain of Your life-transforming Word, thereby establishing all our new converts and new members in the faith and in this Church all through the year. Corporate - Group Prayer Meetings. There was a layman named Jeremiah Lamphier whose concern led to a call for prayer. O Lord, show . Prayers is the engine room of the Christian faith, without prayers, there is no power and without power, there is no manifestation of the presence of God in our midst, thus making Christianity an empty religion. Include worship, praise, and thanksgiving through song, Scripture, testimonies of praise, and praise videos or audiotapes. Recognize who God is & pray for the glory of His name. 20. It is important that we understand the power of agreement in prayer and utilize prayer meetings as a tool for changing our situations, families, government, and culture. When they cry, O Lord, shut out their cries, in the name of Jesus. Every spell upon my _ _ _, break, in the name of Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus, instantly heal everyone called sick in these church and restore them to perfect health. This might be a cause people are interested in, or a crisis that has developed. These usually contain a blend of the first two. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. The secret is to take advantage of the best features of a Zoom prayer meeting or a video conferencing prayer meeting is to plan ahead to maximize the … If you already know specific things you will be … Themes help keep things changed up. 26. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. Jesus is in all our storms of life. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a continuous flow of the Word through our pastors this year, leading to its supernatural impact on the lives of all members. and Opening and Closing Prayers. Short prayer meeting sermons. 19. It might sound obvious, but prayer is the best way to prepare. © Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, Thanksgiving Prayer Points For The New Year 2021, 30 Prayer Points For Victory With Bible Verses. For example: "Color theme"- Ask people to think of something to praise God for that is the color of something they are wearing - ex: blue - give thanks for beautiful sky, birds, the eyes of … WORSHIP: Plan musical worship for your meeting as a way to welcome the Holy Spirit, and as reminder of how great the Lord God is.Weaving worship throughout your time of prayer is a great way to build faith. 14. in Jesus name. These sermons were hand picked to help you prepare one or many sermons on this topic. 47. Here are some ideas for leading a prayer meeting you can create: a. Need-specific. 30 Early Morning Prayer Points For Spiritual Warfare. Only six people came, and they didn't arrive until just before 12:30. 1: Father thank you for the multitude of members at our church services last Sunday. Having your calling pastor do a traditional service for old people may be a wonderful idea, but it’s not a prayer meeting either. . . “The advantages of a well conducted prayer-meeting,” wrote John Angel James, “are great and numerous.” In a day when the midweek meeting is known for its suppers and small-group Bible studies, we ought perhaps to reflect a little on the necessity for the prayer meeting in the life of the New Testament church. X. Pray for discernment. I break the backbone of any further spirit of conspiracy and treachery, in the name of Jesus. This prayer points will revive us in our prayer altar. Father, in the name of Jesus, let everyone called jobless in these church receive their miracle jobs this month. b. 44. in Jesus name. SHORT SECTIONS: Most people find long periods of prayer challenging, so split the time into shorter intervals, each focusing on a different topic and using a different style of prayer. 43. Designate a specific person to close at the end of each time. Ideas For an All Night Women’s Prayer Meeting All night women’s prayer gatherings have been a part of church life for many years. If you are the organizer(s) of the prayer meetings, it can get discouraging if people are not participating in arguably the most important spiritual act designed by God and so prolifically practiced in the Book of Acts and the rest of Scripture. 2. 33. I paralyse the handiwork of household enemies and envious, agents in this matter, in the name of Jesus. 42. Walking in love is crucial for every Christian Pray for a relationship that needs strengthening. No Church or christian organisation can survive without prayers. These prayer points for prayer meetings is a wake up call for every church or Christian organisation, as we rise up to take charge and dominate the devil. It will bring back the fire that has hitherto been lost in many of our prayer meetings. The prayer altar is where power is generated, that is where we subdue the powers of darkness that strive to overcome us. Have short presentations of listed requests by people who have been chosen and prepared before the meeting. They may happen monthly, or only once a year, but such gatherings offer a time and place for women to gather, fellowship, and pray. 50. But today as we engage this prayer points for prayer meetings, our prayer meetings will be on fire again. Nothing brings down the power and presence of God like when believers come together to pray in one accord. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the revelation of Your Word, supernaturally restore the health of every member under the siege of any terminal condition right now. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every member experience the reality of divine health all through this year, thereby turning us into living wonders among men. 50 Warfare Prayer Points against forces of darkness. 41. Inspired poets wrote psalms to glorify God and His Word and in praise of the beauty of a … You rod of the Lord, shut out their cries, in the name of Jesus for a time., evening prayer meetings are a great way for people to connect to God with sermon outlines an! Prayer time starts save my name, email, and praise videos or audiotapes attention of.! Very important, one is the best way to pray in one accord minimized. Our sermon ideas on prayer will help you prepare one or many sermons on this.. One accord finances, in all my present proposals rod of the list before the prayer meeting a. 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