sermons on revelation 1

The ministers of Christ are stars. We live by going out of ourselves; we become what we look upon. How many make light of the great salvation! He assumes the very figure the occasion required. (4) His terrible majesty. We gain more by looking on what is perfect than by striving against what is imperfect. He was not sinful flesh, but lie bare the likeness. The neglected and suffering saints become fearful and despondent. His reign suffers no interruption, and with perfect wisdom and righteousness He invariably administers His great kingdom. (3) The necessity of His human nature. 1. And so Christ will command attention. How needful, for correct preservation, to record them at once! If the whole aspect had been mild and alluring, it would have given a false impression to John of what it was intended to prefigure and the purpose for which it was assumed. John mentions THE DAY ON WHICH THIS VISION OCCURRED: "the Lord's Day." Because of the lightsomeness of it; for Christ is to believers as the sun is to the world (John 1:9).3. How important it is to note clown impressions as they occur! Human custom decides this and declares that; but God declares that He likes frost colour best when He says: "The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness."3. The brazen lungs of Stentor, mentioned by Homer, in the wars of Troy, were probably of this kind. The Saviour's relation to His Church. V. THE VISION HE BEHOLDS. II. (3) It proceeds out of Christ's mouth, as the only-begotten Son of God came forth from the bosom of the Father to reveal Him. It is a representation of the same Christ who suffered for our sins.2. According to our progress in grace will be the standpoint from which we view the Saviour; and according to the position from which we look at Him, will be what we see of Him.I. No greater comfort can the Christian find than this. There is an excellency and beauty in it that dazzles and obscures all the excellency and beauty of the world, even as the light of the sun obscures the stars.2. By the representation before us, He probably intended to signify that, however His words had been disregarded by the fallen Churches, they could not drown His voice.5. In conclusion: The catholic principle of life is Christ revealed to the soul. "He had in His right hand seven stars. "And heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet, saying," or as of a speaking-trumpet, the epithet "saying" agreeing not with the "voice," but with the "trumpet." Their peculiar office is to hold forth the light of God's truth, and, by their course in the world, by their life and conversation, to be examples and guides to their flocks. Spurgeon. No; still "His feet" are pure and bright "like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace."3. And therefore was it and is it ever well to remember that such setting aside of the Lord's commands cannot be suffered. Having been themselves enlightened from above, it is the duty of Christians to diffuse light. Behold the infinite resources of the Church; all power is in Jesus, and Jesus is with His people.2. The reference, however, appears to be, not to the roar of a waterfall, but to the motion of the tides. His beauty is the beauty of holiness, His crown is the crown of purity, His sceptre is the sceptre of righteousness. Nothing is more majestic than the crash of the cataract. The blessing of God comes in the use of His appointed means; and supernatural communications begin where the highest effort of ordinary grace ends. That the world has a Divine High Priest. No good thing would he withhold from them more than from the saints and martyrs who by his grace had obtained so good report. Revelation 1. (1) His supreme authority. 3. The universal reference of this revelation is expressed.III. Revelation Sermons Dick Donovan 2018-06-01T12:25:14-07:00. IT IS NEVER ALTOGETHER SILENT. "(7) It is the symbol, in a word, of knowledge, of holiness, and happiness. "I am the Lord, I change not;" such was one chief meaning of his word, "I am Alpha," etc. Once more: the same truth holds good as to our progress in any single grace. As we stand upon the beach, we may have something like a community of feeling with the inhabitants of the most distant climes; for the waters of the same great deep wash the shores of all the continents of the globe, and speak in the same tones of mystery and magnificence to all the sons and daughters of Adam. Almost every one is constrained to be serious as he stands solitary on the strand, and looks abroad upon the world of waters before him, and listens to the ceaseless agitation of the far-resounding surge. Because of the lightsomeness of it; for Christ is to believers as the sun is to the world (John 1:9).3. "He had in His right hand seven stars. He is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and He cannot look upon sin. No greater comfort can the Christian find than this. Having neither beginning of days nor end of years, He is a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. This symbol exhibits to us the stability of the kingdom of Christ, and the energy of His government. The word is in itself adapted to the Divine end, for it is sharp and two-edged; and when it is spoken by the Lord, its adaptation is seen. (3) It proceeds out of Christ's mouth, as the only-begotten Son of God came forth from the bosom of the Father to reveal Him. But the views which His people have of Him are extremely varied. We gain more by looking on what is perfect than by striving against what is imperfect. (1) His supreme authority. The effects of this union. His countenance is so compared from the effectual influence ii hath on believers' growth (Malachi 4.). We are stronger to bear pain while we look on the Crucifixion. Not out of the stars, but out of our Lord's mouth goes the strength which wins the day.1. "Out of His mouth went a two-edged sword."1. It is written to Christians asked to compromise on the essentials of faith. The high priest's breast-plate is associated with the warrior's coat of mail, the snow-white locks of age with the sparkling eye of youth, unconquerable prowess with melting pity, the awfulness of justice with the endearments of love, the thunder of His arm with the radiance of His smiles.(G. (Isaiah 52:8).III. THAT CHRIST IS MOST SUBLIME AND EFFECTIVE IN HIS UTTERANCES. Not a tear was ever shed, but the eye of Jesus saw it; not an act of cruelty or of crime was ever perpetrated, but the Saviour marked it in His book. When the world beats up on us and we limp… Thus in the glorious description that follows, He appears in the likeness of the Son, and human members are ascribed to His Divine person.2. Because of the joy He inspires.Lessons:1. If the whole aspect had been mild and alluring, it would have given a false impression to John of what it was intended to prefigure and the purpose for which it was assumed. They feel and act as if they were without superintendence and control (Psalm 94:5-7). Browse Sermons on Revelation 1:1. God will ever live to carry on His work. )The offices of Christ continued in heavenJames Durham.1. IT IS NEVER ALTOGETHER SILENT. Isaiah 1:5 HCSB, NOTE: It was the duty of the high priest to see that the candlesticks were “kept in order” in the old sanctuary through the night. The apostle alludes to his FRAME OF MIND at the time this vision was given him: "I was in the Spirit." D. Killen, D. D.)He had in His right hand seven starsLessons from the Christ of PatmosC. Dec 27, 1992. He met philosopher and Pharisee and Sadducee as He met all others, with perfect calmness and decision; but with firmness and without relenting He dragged out their contemptible baseness of thought and purpose, and set it out in the sunshine before the eyes of all, and said to them all, "Oh, ye hypocrites!" The antiquity of the Jesus. St. John further describes His situation: He was in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. The one vision is the true complement of the other.3. D. Killen, D. D.)He had in His right hand seven starsLessons from the Christ of PatmosC. Anger has no power over us, while He who was smitten on the cheek is vividly before our mind. How many make light of the great salvation! A Year-End Look at Jesus Christ. They are candlesticks. (Canon Knox Little. God's hand and His counsel are synonymous terms: it is the symbol of power — "Thy right hand is become glorious in power." We subdue our pride not by mourning over it, but by feeding on the lowliness of Jesus. Still, instrumentality is honourably spoken of by Him whose judgment is supremely wise, The Lord Jesus does not despise the agency which He employs. You cannot bring Him a new ease. What cause will the enemies of Christ have to tremble, when He appears, in the last day, to judge them!(W. Some may mark their various murmurs, and their magnificent echoes, and, ascending in thought to Him who formed the seas, and who sendeth the wind out of His treasuries, may contemplate with adoring wonder the glory of Jehovah; but upon the mass of individuals the noise of the many waters makes no impression. (1) The likeness of the Son of God. (3) His irresistible force. It revealed the combination of those perfections in Christ which would be required; the resources at His command, His unslumbering zeal, His terror in battle, the certainty of His conquest, the serenity of His government, and the glory of His reign. The two edges show the manifold effects of Christian teaching. "His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow."1. It is the great mystery of godliness; God manifest in the flesh.4. It revealed the combination of those perfections in Christ which would be required; the resources at His command, His unslumbering zeal, His terror in battle, the certainty of His conquest, the serenity of His government, and the glory of His reign. (2) He assumes a brother's form. FIRST FRUITS OF MILLENNIAL REIGN. The light which they possess has been kindled within them by the Father of lights. We subdue our pride not by mourning over it, but by feeding on the lowliness of Jesus. The effect it would have upon us if we really felt and understood it.We should fall at His feet as dead. Almost every one is constrained to be serious as he stands solitary on the strand, and looks abroad upon the world of waters before him, and listens to the ceaseless agitation of the far-resounding surge. (3) His feet are described as "like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace." The wonderful union between the Divine and human natures in His one Divine person; as Immanuel, God with us. This should make us think very humbly of ourselves; for this illustrates our weakness. "And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace." The voice of Christ is piercing. No doctrine of men has such piercing power.III. Human custom decides this and declares that; but God declares that He likes frost colour best when He says: "The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness."3. Christ was true. It holds out that our Lord Jesus's stateliness and glory doth not mar nor hinder Him in the application of His offices, and executing them for the good of His Church. H. Carter. But the views which His people have of Him are extremely varied. All his appearances to the holy patriarchs were preludes and pledges of His coming in the flesh. The Description of Christ Revelation 1:12-16, a. Stars are guides, and so are the Lord's true ministers. "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth glad tidings!". Revelation 1. "(2) The power of His word. The administration of Christ abounds with splendid and stupendous displays of His glory. Spurgeon.)St. The shoreless sea is the mirror of infinite duration; and as the floods lift up their voice, we feel as if they were repeating their commission from the High and the Holy One who inhabiteth eternity (Psalm 29:3, 4). The title is the "Revelation of Jesus Christ." John's visionW. If he were no more than man, how could words such as these be spoken and written concerning him? "He had in His right hand seven stars." (3) The necessity of His Deity. And who can express the beauty of the Saviour? And so He went through the world; dragging out the defects of the unreal, condemning the falsehood of His friends, and this at the risk of all His popularity. It is the last of these that is here intended. "His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow." Of what service are the stars to the mariner, as he sails over the trackless deep! It is the symbol of security: The child was caught up to the throne of God, beyond the reach of every foe. (James Durham. He is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and He cannot look upon sin. Sermon. But the case is different when our absence from the public means of grace is unavoidable. EXPLAIN THE VISION WHICH ST. JOHN BEHELD, AND NOTICE ITS EFFECT UPON HIM.1. (James Young. And if the Lord Jesus were to manifest Himself to us as He really is, in all His unveiled majesty, we should die with excess of joy. The `` Ancient of Days nor end of years, He is light, happiness. Christ never flattered, never bowed down to the motion of the stars, but by feeding on the.! Next symbol mentioned, the morning star, is also the herald of the person... 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